Hike Allen’s Creek, Lake Monroe Sunday Jan. 12th

Cabinfeverites, OK, let’s try this again…… 

Meet at 11am Sunday at KMart East for a hike at Allen’s Creek, Lake Monroe. This peninsular walk abounds with gorgeous views in a remote setting. Not to be confused with the walk along the north side, this walk will take us out to the point where world-class deposits of crinoids make up the shoreline (that’s fossils). It’s also the home of the dreaded and feared “Water Copper Mouth” serpent (first discovered in 1972, see link).

Forecast says “48 and sunny”

Generally the trail is an old roadbed so some snow should not hinder us, but be prepared for muddy conditions.

See  clickable images below taken on our hike there in 2011.

(photos by Jim a nd Deb)
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